You are invited to submit a proposal to present/speak as a solo speaker or panelist at Animal Health in the Heartland on October 12-13, 2021, at Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln, Nebraska. The symposium features an optional site tour and networking reception on day one, followed by a substantive day packed full of valuable information on animal health topics.
This year’s symposium will feature a panel on “New Innovation,” focusing on developments and cutting-edge research within the animal health industry. Innovative and technological advancements are critical within the animal health industry as companies continue to look for new solutions to address evolving animal health threats and needs.
We are looking for engaging, substantive presentations that will inform our membership on cutting-edge technology and the latest discoveries in animal health.
Desired presentation topics include but are not limited to:
- New vaccines
- Diagnostic tests
- Artificial intelligence
- Advances in technology and data that assist producers
Submission Specifications
Presentations will be held in person on October 13, 2021, at a time to be determined. Presentations may be submitted as a solo speaker or as a panel.
Submissions for presentations will be accepted June 21 – July 12, 2021, online at www.iowabio.org/AHpresentations
Following the submission deadline, a 30-minute call will be scheduled the week of July 19, 2021, to further discuss your idea with our associations and to allow you to ask questions about the symposium. You will be notified the following week if you have been selected to speak.