Synbiotic Health, a member of Bio Nebraska, was awarded the 2022 Governor’s Bioscience Award, presented by Governor Pete Ricketts at Bio Nebraska’s Annual Meeting.
Press Release by Bio Nebraska
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 21, 2022 – Bio Nebraska announced today that Synbiotic Health has been named the 2022 recipient of the Governor’s Bioscience Award, presented by Governor Pete Ricketts. This prestigious award, which recognizes individuals and companies making significant contributions to the Nebraska bioscience industry, was given during an award presentation ceremony at Bio Nebraska’s Annual Meeting on Oct. 20, 2022, in Omaha, Nebraska.

“The University of Nebraska scientists who co-founded Synbiotic Health have dedicated their careers to better understanding microbiology and food science,” said Gov. Ricketts. “They’ve drawn on insights gleaned through decades of research to develop breakthrough products clinically proven to improve digestive health. As a resident of the Biotech Connector at UNL’s Innovation Campus, Synbiotic Health is a fantastic example of the support Nebraska provides to bioscience startups. Congratulations to Synbiotic Health on receiving the 2022 Governor’s Bioscience Award!”
Headquartered at the Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln, Neb., Synbiotic Health is a scientific company focused on discovering innovative probiotic and prebiotic ingredients for better health and wellness. The company was formed in 2019 with proprietary discovery platforms, specializing in developing the highest-quality natural ingredients that modulate the microbiome and provide consistent health benefits as supported by clinical evidence. The science behind Synbiotic Health was envisioned over a decade ago when four well-known scientists from the University of Nebraska wanted to create more effective probiotics and prebiotics by applying the understanding that the human gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem that impacts all areas of human health. Today, the company has a team of ten full-time employees, including graduates from the University of Nebraska. Synbiotic Health’s discovery lab has grown from one part-time scientist on a 6-foot bench in 2019 to four full-time scientists working in a 1500-square-foot lab. The company plans to triple its lab space as the scientific staff will be doubling in the coming months.
“We are honored to receive this award, knowing that past winners have set high standards in scientific research and excellence, and thank Gov. Ricketts and Bio Nebraska for this vote of confidence in strong science as consumers look for better ways to support their health,” said Tim Brummels, CEO & President of Synbiotic Health. “We are proud to be able to take some of Nebraska’s leading academic science and turn it into innovative products that are unmatched in the global probiotics and prebiotics industry. Credit goes to our founders, investors, employees, customers, partners, vendors, and University of Nebraska collaborators, along with NUtech Ventures, and Invest Nebraska all who have partnered with us to earn this opportunity.”
The Governor’s Bioscience Award is presented annually to an individual or company that has made significant contributions to Nebraska’s bioscience industry. The selection criteria range from conducting innovative research to product development to investment that grows the bioscience community in Nebraska. The recipient is selected based on input from Bio Nebraska Board of Directors, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development as well as conversations with state leaders. The award was presented during Nebraska’s Bioscience Month, as proclaimed by Gov. Ricketts earlier this month.
“October is Bioscience Month in Nebraska and we have been celebrating the accomplishments of Bio Nebraska members and the growth of Nebraska’s bio-ecosystem the entire month,” said Rob Owen, Executive Director of Bio Nebraska. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Bioscience Month than presenting Synbiotic Health with the Governor’s Bioscience Award. Synbiotic Health is the ideal company to celebrate and showcase this year. Their success proves bioscience companies, of any size, can flourish and prosper in Nebraska.”
In addition to the Governor’s Bioscience Award presentation at Bio Nebraska’s Annual Meeting, Gov. Ricketts was awarded the Leadership & Legacy Award for Outstanding and Lasting Contributions in the Field of Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, and ceremonially signed the Bioscience Month proclamation.
“Not only are we celebrating Synbiotic Health today, I want to thank Governor Ricketts for his support of and dedication to our industry over the years as governor. His business acumen and biology degree provide him a unique perspective of our industry and the importance of the biosciences to growing Nebraska’s economy. Bio Nebraska will certainly miss his leadership and guidance as transitions to new endeavors.”